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Mountain Mould Board Plough

Jumbo Power Mounted Mould Board Plough are used for cultivation of stubble and fallow soil, loosen of soil, breaking of soil, turning of soil and making of seed bed. During the working plough breaks weeds, prevents the blight, mixes the plant wastes, stubbles, fertilizers and herbicides with soil. The plough also provides to decrease the wind and water erosions, to increase infiltration and to hold the rain water on the field. FEATURES Less Maintenance cost. Generous under beam and unit to unit clearance between the bodies prevents trash build up while working at high speeds. The frame is a rugged MS welded structure with sufficient rigidity to withstand heavy loads.

Reversible Mould Board Plough

A robust designed agricultural implement used for turning the soil levels upside down, incorporating soil reduces and making available more fertile layer for the new crop. It provides deep seed bed preparation with proper aeration and efficient residue incorporation. MB Plough is used as a primary tillage implement for soft and hard soils. FEATURES Better Fuel Less Maintenance Cost. Enhance Productivity. Adjustment of the Furrow as per the soil Conditions. Reduce operator fatigue.