Disc Ridger
Agriimpex Disc Ridger is an implement, which cuts and turns
the soil in two opposite directions simultaneously for forming ridges.
It is also used for earthing up operation.
Disc Ridger consists of heavy duty tubular box frame, hitch system and discs.
It is used for making irrigation banks for effective control of flood irrigation or bunds of the
size and shape to match crop and soil conditions.
The Discs are adjustable along the frame to vary bund width and height. Even the disc angle is adjustable
Categories: Disc Ridger, Land Preparation
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Jumbo Power Sub Soiler properly till soil
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It is designed to work in hard black soil.
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Disc Harrow Hydraulic
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Highly resistible, heat treated discs, notched at front and plain at rear or alternated. Transport tyres also ensure optimum working depth control.
Ease and speed of set-up into the work/transport position.
Easy gang angling adjustment with locking device standard manual.
Increased inter-disc spacing and disc scrapers preventing trash built up.
Hydraulic folding to reduce the transport width for easy and safe transportation for 32 disc and more. Spacers and bearing housings made from steel for trouble free long working life.
Sub Soiler Ripper V Frame
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a tractor mounted implements used to loosen and break up soil at depths below the level of a traditional disk harrow or rototiller.
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a farming equipment
used to till very dry and condensed soil. Crops
planted in soil that is dry and condensed often fail
due to inadequate nutrients ans water
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler properly till soil
that's helps to produce maximum crop growth.
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