Showing 61–72 of 85 results

Rotary Tiller VIVO

Vivo is Specially designed for soft and loose soil. Its light weight technology makes it perfect for puddling in paddy fields. The helical-shaped rotor on the Rotary Tillers decreases horsepower required to drive units. They are designed so they enter the field at different times for more efficiency. These are sized right for subcompact tractors and are designed to till soil for seedbed preparation. FEATURES Less Maintenance. High quality Blades. Regional Price. 5Ft. Suitable For 30 HP Tractor. Best Suitable For Puddling.

Roto Seeder (Heavy Duty)

Agriimpex Roto Seeeder is multi purposed earth tilling machine used in the preparation of seedbed & sowing seed into stubbles fields. Roto Seeder helps in proper distribution of seed & fertilzer with broadcasting process, thus provide even mixing into the soil. It is largely suitable for sowing of wheat etc. Also the seed feed rate can be adjusted with the help of adjusting lever, which allows a great extent of liberty to farmers. It is available with rotary tillers of 6 ft, 7 ft, 8 ft and 9ft in size.   FEATURES - Save Fuel & Time. Good Germination. Proper Distribution of Seeds & Fertilizers. Improve Soil Health. Environment Friendly.

Roto Seeder (Standard Duty)

Jumbo Power ROTO SEEEDER is multi purposed earth tilling machine used in the preparation of seedbed & sowing seed into stubbles fields. Roto Seeder helps in proper distribution of seed & fertilzer with broadcasting process, thus provide even mixing into the soil. It is largely suitable for sowing of wheat etc. Also the seed feed-rate can be adjusted with the help of adjusting lever, which allows a great extent of liberty to farmers. It is available with rotary tillers of 5 ft, 6 ft, 7 ft, and 8 ft in size.   FEATURES - Save Fuel & Time. Good Germination. Proper Distribution of Seeds & Fertilizers. Improve Soil Health. Environment Friendly.

Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill (Conventional Model)

Agri Impex seed cum fertilizer drill is used for simultaneous activities of Seeding and Fertilization process in a single operation. It can be retrofitted to a tractor of 35 HP and above. It drill seeds and fertilizer together but delivers them separately in a single drive, Seed and Fertilizer are drilled at different depths thus improves germination. There are separate containers for seed and fertilizer. FEATURES - Save Fuel & Time. Good Germination. Proper Distribution Of Seeds & Fertilizers. Improve Soil Health. Environment Friendly.

Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill (Deluxe Model)

Agri Impex seed cum fertilizer drill deluxe is used for simultaneous activities of Seeding and Fertilization process in a single operation. It can be retrofitted to a tractor of 35 HP and above. It drill seeds and fertilizer together but delivers them separately in a single drive, Seed and Fertilizer are drilled at different depths thus improves germination. There are separate containers for seed and fertilizer.   FEATURES :- Save Fuel & Time. Good Germination Proper Distribution of Seeds & Fertilizers. Improve Soil Health. Environment Friendly.

Spring Cultivator (Heavy Duty)

Agri Impex "Heavy Duty" Spring Cultivator is designed to withstand toughest work conditions to hard soils. The Tiller has heavy-duty shanks for positive penetration. It breaks up hard top soil, uproots stubbles and leaves the ground perfectly worked. FEATURES It is designed to work in hard black soil. Heavy Angle Frame. High tensile plated fastners. CAT-II hitch geometry, Less maintenance required.

Spring Cultivator (Standard Duty)

Jumbo power "Standard Duty" Spring Cultivator is designed to withstand toughest work conditions to hard soils. The Tiller has heavy-duty shanks for positive penetration. It breaks up hard top soil, uproots stubbles and leaves the ground perfectly worked. FEATURES Heavy Angle frame. High tensile plated fastners. CAT-II hitch geometry. Less maintenance required. Reversible Shovel. Good Quality Shovels.

Straw Chopper

Jumbo Power has developed this perfect machine for chopping all types of crop residue in straw such as wheat, paddy, maize, sorghum, sunflower etc. Thus offering high versatility and making it ideal solution for customers working under contract. The machine in a single operation chop the left stubbles and spread it on the ground. The chopped and spreaded stubbles are then easily buried in the soil by the use of single operation of rotavator or disc harrow and decayed after irrigation. Subsequently, wheat sowing is done as usual by the use of strip till drill, no-till drill or traditional drill. Machine consists of a rotary shaft mounted with blades named as flail to harvest the straw and chopping unit consisting of knives. Size of chopped stubbles at flail speed of about 900 rpm and chopper speed of about 1500 rpm was found to vary between 7-10 cm. Incorporation of paddy residue in soil prevents loss of soil nutrients and improve soil health. FEATURES - Computerized balance rotor with blades. Heavy duty single speed gearbox with belt transmission. Double sided tempered blades for extra life. Belt Tightener is also provided.

Straw Reaper

Agriimpex Straw Reaper is a machine that cut, thresh and clean the straw in one operation. The left wheat stalks after combine harvest are cut by an oscillating blades while revolving reel pushes them towards auger. The stalks are conveyed into the machine by auger and guide drum which reaches the threshing cylinder, which cut the stalks into small pieces. It gives superior separating performance. The short fragment fall through the bars of the concave. Double blower operating just behind rushes the straw to trolley attached and separate the dust particles. FEATURES - Less fuel consumption. Easy availability of spare parts. Adjustable rear hook. Idler provided with belt drives. Heavy duty gear box.