Sub Soiler Ripper Heavy Duty
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a tractor mounted implements used to loosen and break up soil at depths below the level of a traditional disk harrow or rototiller.
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a farming equipment
used to till very dry and condensed soil. Crops
planted in soil that is dry and condensed often fail
due to inadequate nutrients ans water
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler properly till soil
that's helps to produce maximum crop growth.
Sub Soiler Ripper Standard Duty
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a tractor mounted implements used to loosen and break up soil at depths below the level of a traditional disk harrow or rototiller.
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a farming equipment
used to till very dry and condensed soil. Crops
planted in soil that is dry and condensed often fail
due to inadequate nutrients ans water
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler properly till soil
that's helps to produce maximum crop growth.
Sub Soiler Ripper V Frame
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a tractor mounted implements used to loosen and break up soil at depths below the level of a traditional disk harrow or rototiller.
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler is a farming equipment
used to till very dry and condensed soil. Crops
planted in soil that is dry and condensed often fail
due to inadequate nutrients ans water
Jumbo Power Sub Soiler properly till soil
that's helps to produce maximum crop growth.
Tipping Trailer
Jumbo Power Trailers are used for the transportation of agriculture
produces, farming remainders, residues or weeds from one place to
another. Heavy Duty Structure using finest quality of raw material and
Robust Design, results in Low Maintenance Cost and Long Life. Good
Quality Paint is used that saves the product from corrosion and thus
enhance the life. Wide Tyres for better grip on the ground Solid Beam
Axle, Branded Bearings and good quality of hydraulic pump
Flexibility of unloading, save operation cost.
Less maintenance cost.
Heavy duty hydraulic cylinder.
Robust structure.
Tipping Trailer Double Tyre
Agri Impex Double Tyre Tipping Trailers are used for the transportation of agriculture
produces, farming remainders, residues or weeds from one place to another. Heavy
Duty Structure using finest quality of raw material and Robust Design, results in Low
Maintenance Cost and Long Life. Good Quality Paint is used that saves the product
from corrosion and thus enhance the life. Wide Tyres for better grip on the ground
Solid Beam Axle, Branded Bearings and good quality of hydraulic pump
Flexibility of unloading, save
operatio csot.
Less maintenance cost.
Heavy duty hydraulic cylinder.
Robust structure.
Tendem axle.
Suitable for uneven land.
Tractor Driven Combine
Tractor Driven Combine Harvester with Two Wheel Drive Tractor, is the best Tractor
Mounted Harvester machine with a premium engineering technology for your
Agriculture fields, this is a power processing machine with the most Sophisticated
Specially designed outer cutterbar which can a right hand Crop.
Thorough threshing
clear separation
Low grain breakage
High grain cleanness & small turning radius
Well adaptation to the crops of slightly wet lodged or hard to thresh
Good maneuverability in the wet and soft field
Wheat Thresher
Agriimpex Harambha Thresher is developed to suit large holding farmers and customers
hiring. It is suitable for wheat crop. It is operated with 35 hp tractor.
It consists of feeding chute with automatic feeding, which is driven by the gear box.
Reverse gear can be use if necessary.
The threshing unit contains 2-3 sharp cutting blades with spike
tooth cylinder.
The crop is cut in to small pieces & rub against the concave,
which gives superior separating.
Two aspirator blowers are attached to threshing unit,
which separates small pieces of crops residue from the seed.
Shaking & bagging unit are used to collect the seeds.
The unit is equipped with belts & pulleys to achieve variable
cylinder speed, and the speed of blower can change
according to requirement.
It also consists of elevator or burm for loading seeds to trolley,
pneumatic transport wheel & single hitch system.
It is also provided with is a load wheel.
Zero Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill
Agriimpex zero seed cum fertilizer drill (direct seeding without any mechanical disturbance of soil) ensures
early sowing of wheat and reduces weed infestation; particularly Phalaris minor in wheat. This technology
ensures atleast 30 percent crop residue incorporation in soil, which results in increased organic matter
content, improved retension and transmission characteristics of soil and improves soil aggregation and
structure. Zero tillage technology is also effective in soil water
conservation and increases water-use-efficiency of the crops. It maintains desirably high
and economic level of productivity, cut short the need for chemical amendments and pesticides,
preserve ecological stability and minimizes the pollution of natural water and environment. Landforce
zero seed cum fertilizer drill technology reduces input cost by reducing fuel consumption and increases
the net profit of farmers.
Save Fuel & Time.
Good Germination.
Proper Distribution of Seeds & Fertilizers.
Improve Soil Health.
Environment Friendly.